24 Hours left and Roll20

24 Hours left and we have over 100 backers!  Super cool.

I'm going to keep this short as I'm heads down trying to get all the final things done.  Mainly I'm focused on the roll20 character sheet.  It's working ... sort of.. I have based it on the ironsworn-starforged sheet but that doesn't support datasworn 0.1.0 (the latest) which is what fe-runners uses.  Actually it had it's own specially made JSON files.  So I've had to rewrite all the json parsing.

It still helps a ton that I can start with the starforged sheet instead of trying to do everything myself.  Currently I have a private forked repo with a ironsworn-ferunner branch you can find here: https://github.com/zombieCraig/roll20-character-sheets/tree/ironsworn-ferunner  Just keep in mind, that at the time of this writting it isn't in a playable form just yet.  I'm making good progress, especially considering I just started on this yesterday...  So this should be ready by the time the book is released, which will make playing much easier.  This means IronVault and Roll20 should be ready by release.  If I have time, I'll also add foundaryVTT support.

Thanks for your support!  I'm looking forward to getting this project out the door!

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