Datasworn progress report

Quick Dev Update

Making a lot of progress on moving everything into Datasworn.  This will enable a much easier transition to other VTTs.  I'm currently defining Fe-Runners as an expansion to Starforged.  Which is basically true although you don't have to run a Starforged campaign to play.

It's a bit tedious to plug in all the data from the book into json (well YAML, then compile to json) but I have been able to identify some hard to spot bugs along the way.  For instance, originally I was going to base the system for going through a computer system like delving.  So originally I thought I would use Ironsworn : Delve cards for the network segments and types but instead I decided to just go with Oracles for different node types that all have their own perils and oppurtunities.  However, I found a few reference to sytem "cards" which are no longer a thing.

The current repo of the Fe-Runners datasworn port is here:

Although at the time of this writing is not fully compiling yet.  Once I feel I have decent JSON I will test with the Iron Vault plugin for Obsidian.

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