New Lore System (Zombie Lore)

Create a new Lore System.  It's basically a system similar to Google Forms with some complex inter-dependency settings.  There is an editor to create the widgets for the questions you want and a renderer that handles the display and logic associated with those widgets.  The Editor is not yet ready for public release but the first sample lore for Zombies has been released in the latest version (0.7).

Here are the widgets and how they work:

  • Line and TextArea are what they sound like.  A blank line or an area to write in.  You can associate a Rolltable to the Line widget to have it fill in something random by default if you like.
  • Option - These are pulldown widgets linked to a Rolltable.  They can randomly select an entry or allow you to Add a new one to the rolltable.  They can also be linked to a Category type (see below)
  • Category - You can link a Category type to a rolltable and have a set number rolled or a random range amount (ie 1d4) entries added.  It will create entry with a checkbox like thing next to them that contains a number.  That is a grouping number.  By default everything rolled is in the same group.  You can tap this square to change what results are in what group.  Having more than one will increase the "Types".  If an Option widget is linked to a category then you will get a matching Option per Type.  In the above screenshow we have randomly rolled 4 categories and I have grouped them into two types:

2 - Regenerate (Motivation)

1 - Can not hear

1 - Extra Slow / Dumb

2 - Horder Master / Controls Packs

After that you see there are two Types (Type 1 and Type 2 zombies)  The following question about what Locals call them is a linked Option widget.  Locals call type 2 Outcasts which have the ability to regenerate and control hordes and Type 1 Groaners can't hear and and a bit slow and dumb.  Later in the form there is a TextArea where you can add clarifying remarks at which I also added that Outcasts need Groaners around them to heal.

How this affects the AI

The AI system (if enabled) can automatically take the results of the Lore and make sense of them and use it to influence AI answers and results based on your specific lore for your game.

Future Lore Work

I am working on a more generic system to allow people to support their own RPG games/systems.  Eventually this Lore system and possible the whole content editor will become a tool that you can use yourself.

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